As I’ve spoken about before, I’m big on giving back to the community in any way possible.
Being a science nerd, I’m especially interested in helping the science community shed light on various disease states. This was one of the main reasons I volunteered hundreds of hours at the University of Delaware assisting with research on individuals with cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis (MS).
Last weekend my Dad told me about a bike ride he’s doing in October to help raise money for MS. I was really excited to hear that he was doing the ride, and impressed that he’d volunteer his weekend for two 75-mile bike rides
In an effort to support my Dad’s fund raising, I have a bribe for you.
Bribe Below!
If you donate anything over $25, I will send you a copy of my “Off-Ice Performance Training Course”, which includes over 100 exercises with detailed descriptions, more than 200 exercise pictures, and over a dozen sample training programs. I’ll also throw in all the bonuses (“Complete Hockey Nutrition and Supplementation”, “The Secret to Team Success Guide”, and “ 1-Week Pre-Season Training Guide”.
If you donate over $50, I’ll throw in 3 3-month training programs.
Lastly, if you donate over $100, I’ll design a 4-week customized training program to meet your individual training needs (Value: $200).
All you need to do to donate is click the link below and it should take you right to my Dad’s website. If it doesn’t, you just need to enter his name (Ken Neeld) to get there
Click here to Donate Money for Multiple Sclerosis Research!
Remember that donations for causes like this are tax deductable too!
Click here to Donate Money for Multiple Sclerosis Research!
Thanks in advance for supporting this great cause!
-Kevin Neeld