New Year’s Resolution Survival Guide

The New Year is a great time to reflect back on everything you’ve accomplished over the last 12 months. It’s also provides an opportunity to start fresh, to make adjustments to any lifestyle habits that may have steered off course throughout the holidays. With this in mind, I recently wrote a “New Year’s Resolution Survival Guide” for our Endeavor site that I wanted to share with you.

Steak and Vegetables

Read this >> Your New Year’s Resolution Survival Guide

Unfortunately, most people lose track of their proposed diet resolution some time between the guilt of an excessive dinner and the temptation of an enticing dessert. Fitness goals don’t fare much better.

Regardless of whether you’re an athlete with eyes set on making a new team or a parent looking to just get in better shape, these 3 strategies will help you get there.

Read this >> Your New Year’s Resolution Survival Guide

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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“Kevin Neeld is one of the top 5-6 strength and conditioning coaches in the ice hockey world.”
– Mike Boyle, Head S&C Coach, US Women’s Olympic Team

“…if you want to be the best, Kevin is the one you have to train with”
– Brijesh Patel, Head S&C Coach, Quinnipiac University