I would like to personally thank you for investing in your long-term development and subscribing to my newsletter. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find complete download instructions for how to gain instant access two webinars:
If you have any problems with the webinars, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will make sure things get straightened out. You can reach me personally at kn@kevinneeld.com.
To your success,
Kevin Neeld, BSc, MS, CSCS, PRT, LMT
1) Point your cursor over the highlighted webinar name
2) Choose “Save Target As” or “Save Linked File” (Mac Users)
3) Save the file anywhere on your computer you’ll remember (Desktop Preferred)
*The webinar videos are large so it will take some time to download. Download speeds depend on your computer and internet connection. Please be patient!
The webinar files are in a .WMV file format. These should be easily playable on the default video players of your PC. If you have a mac, you’ll need “Flip4Mac“, which allows you to play windows video files through Quicktime. You can also try downloading the VLC player.