I think the greatest display of pure bliss the human race ever encounters is when a young kid is handed a tall cone of delicious ice cream on a hot day. You see their eyes get bigger as the cone approaches their hands, and after a couple licks they get that sugar-enhanced look of psychotic happiness.

But from time-to-time, this happens:

and third-party bystanders get to observe the rapid reversal of the aforementioned progression of joy and the inevitable hysteria-driven water works and siren-like harmony that emerge from the kid.

This circumstantial description closely resembles the emotional roller coaster I went on recently when I found out about the 2010 Midwest Performance Enhancement Seminar.

Check out the presenters/schedule for this event:

9:00 – 10:00 – Brian Grasso: We’re Killing Kids! Why Current Sports Performance Training Methods are Stupid

10:10 – 11:10 – Lee Taft: How to Load the System for Functional Speed

11:20 – 12:20 – Mike Robertson: The Single-Leg Solution

12:20 – 1:30- Lunch

1:30 – 2:30 – Pat Rigsby: Finding Hidden Opportunity in Your Fitness Business

2:40 – 3:40 – Bill Hartman: Energy System Training for Field Athletes

4:30 – 5:30 – Brett Jones: Kettlebell Basics: How to Integrate Kettlebells Into Your Strength & Conditioning Program

With a list like this, the big question is “How much?” Incredibly, the seminar only requires a $149 investment (that is-if I registered before July 24th…plenty of time). Before reading any further about the seminar I opened up my go-to barrage of flight tabs to price shop on the cheapest flight possible from Baltimore to Indianapolis.

Full of ice-cream induced child-like excitement, I returned to the 2010 Midwest Performance Enhancement Seminar page to see when it was so I could book my flight and that’s when it hit me. The schedule gods batted that cone out of my hand like Ben Wallace protecting his net.

Unfortunately for me, the seminar is on August 28th, which is the weekend Emily and I are moving from Baltimore to Philadelphia (fortunate for me). Yes, after 15 months of commuting two hours from our place in Baltimore to Endeavor in South Jersey, we’re making the move to save my hips and sanity, and to move closer to where Emily wants to go to grad school. It’s just bad timing.

I’m pretty bummed I can’t make it…but that doesn’t mean you can’t! The list of presenters is really amazing; you’d have to be crazy (or moving) to miss this. Check out the link below for more information.

=> 2010 Midwest Performance Enhancement Seminar <=

To your continued success,

Kevin Neeld

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