Today I wanted to share a few articles I’ve read over the last few weeks that I think you’ll enjoy. As a quick reminder, today is the last day to grab a copy of Mike Boyle’s new Functional Strength Coach 5 for $50 off and win a free copy of his newest book Functional Strength Coach Reader. He’s also doing a live group video Q&A with everyone that orders so if you’re at all interested in FSC5, now’s your chance to grab a copy at a significant discount and get a bunch of other cool stuff too.

Functional Strength Coach 5

Grab your copy today here >> Functional Strength Coach 5

Check out the articles below that cover a wide range of topics from breathing to off-ice hockey testing to coaching like Bruce Springsteen. I especially liked the sauna article, as we just got a far infrared sauna for Endeavor. It’s nice to see the research-supported benefits of sauna use hitting the mainstream. Enjoy!

  1. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Implications in an Exercise Program and On-Field Performance from Miguel Aragoncillo
  2. 5 Things I Learned in 2013 from Anthony Donskov
  3. What do Off-Ice Hockey Tests really test? from Maria Mountain
  4. Are Saunas the Next Big Performance-Enhancing “Drug”? from Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick, Ph.D
  5. 3 Tips to Perform Like “The Boss” in the Weight Room from Anthony Donskov

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

My last post covered what I think may be one of the most powerful and commonly overlooked recovery tools available today. If you missed it, check it out here: Recovery Week: Earthing Products

Recovery Week continues with a personal story that illustrates the significant impact stress and nutrient deficiencies can have on one’s health and performance…

I haven’t shared this with many people, but about a year ago, I was in a really bad spot. After moving to Philadelphia, I took on significant continuing education loads, on top of all of my responsibilities at Endeavor, writing Ultimate Hockey Training, and taking on a more active role with USA Hockey. This, of course, was paralleled by a continued drive to push new limits in the weight room. While I felt then, and still believe now, that I had a thorough understanding of the importance for deloads and weeks of backing of training-related stresses, I DRASTICALLY under-estimated the accumulative effect of NON-training-related stressors. I also think I may have failed to recognize the impact the eustress, or “positive stress”, which simply refers to stress that’s coming from desirable events. In other words, my life at the time was filled with A LOT of awesome stuff, which lead me to burning the candle at both ends…and maybe a slight abuse of my favorite caffeinated drink.

Yep, three cups ought to get me through the day.

After a few months, I felt exhausted, but had good days and bad days, good weeks and bad weeks. Enough good days to keep pressing on. I had been in this position before. In the past whenever I felt rundown, I knew it was time to get a little more sleep and deload my caffeine consumption. I’m pretty good about sticking with things, so when I want to go cold turkey on caffeine consumption for a couple weeks, it’s a fairly easy process, and I generally feel a lot better when I get back on the wagon (or is it off the wagon?)

After about a year, though, I realized things were different this time. I slept more for weeks, and didn’t feel any better. I cut back on caffeine and felt TERRIBLE, almost feverish, instantly. My typical sense of unconditional optimism completely vanquished, and I was uncharacteristically irritable. The usual tricks weren’t working, and frankly, I was a little lost.

It was at this point that I started learning more about a state sometimes described as parasympathetic overtraining, and a related consequence of adrenal fatigue (my friend Anthony Donskov wrote a great article on different times of overtraining last week: System in Balance: Programming Regeneration). Essentially Interestingly, it was also around this time that I picked up Joel Jamieson’s BioForce HRV and started monitoring my morning resting heart rate and heart rate variability. During that time, my resting heart rate was regularly around 41-42, and as low as 35.7, and my HRV was typically in the high 90’s. All of this would be great news if I was even remotely good aerobic conditioning, but I wasn’t. I also noticed that a little sympathetic stimulus (one heavy set of only a couple lifts, a small cup of coffee, etc.) made me feel infinitely better, but too much of this type of stimulus (e.g. what I’d consider a “normal” training session from the past, a couple cups of coffee, etc.) would cause me to crash, hard. On top of all of this, I was conscious that my short-term memory wasn’t what it used to be either, a scary realization.

Ultimately, all of this lead me to the conclusion that I was overstressed (or under-recovered), and that I likely had developed some nutrient deficiencies over that time period (and realistically, over all of the preceding years) that I needed to look into. In short, it was time for an inspection.

I went to a doctor for the first time in about 4 years and requested a physical and some basic blood work. They were glad to do the typical stuff: heart rate, blood pressure, blood lipid panel, blood glucose, etc. As usual, I passed all of these with flying colors. My request to get hormone levels checked was denied. After a follow-up visit, I confirmed my suspicion that I wasn’t going to get anywhere with a typical family physician and reached out to Dr. Rick Cohen at Bioletics. I first came across Bioletics years ago when Eric Cressey mentioned that they offered at home Vitamin D assessments. Having donned a translucent skin tone for most of my life, in large part the result of me spending all of my Summers training inside of ice rinks…and later gyms and research labs, I’ve long suspected that I had a deficiency and thought this would be a good time to discuss getting this, and a host of other things checked out. The neat thing about Bioletics is that they offer at-home saliva, urine, and blood assessments. I went through an initial battery of easy assessments that in many ways confirmed my suspicion of adrenal fatigue. I was low in specific amino acids, certain hormones, and omega-3 fatty acid levels, among other things.

Click here for more information on Bioletics >> Bioletics: Know your body, find your edge

After reviewing my results with Dr. Cohen, I started taking Bioletic’s “Core 4” program, which includes a Vitamin D spray, and Omega-3 peach-flavored syrup (taking this has been the highlight of my day for the past 8 months), a greens powder, a “daily dose” pack that included 2 whole food & herb concentrate tablets, a vitamin D tablet, an omega-3 tablet, and an anti-oxidant tablet. I was also taking two scoops of their “Fund Aminos” amino acid powder (another highlight to my day…this stuff is delicious, and tastes AWESOME with herba mate tea). All of Bioletic’s supplements come from whole food, non genetically modified sources, which I dig. I also started taking some different magnesium supplements, and a separate amino acid l-tyrosine. At the same time, I was conscious about trying to get some more sleep, drink only small amounts of coffee (one cup in the morning), and not take on more responsibilities than I should, almost all of which I had tried before with no significant impact on my health and energy.

It only took a couple weeks before I started to feel noticeably better. I wasn’t as foggy in the morning, felt less irritable, and had a little more energy throughout the day. Fast forward a couple months, and I felt considerably better, enough to start training regularly again, albeit at a slightly lower volume than before. The cool thing about the “Core 4” program is that you’re provided at-home assessments every month to assess different markers, so you can track your progress overtime. I told myself from the start that I would give it a solid 6 month commitment before I made any judgements as to how effective the process has been. At the 6-month point, my antioxidant, vitamin D, and omega-3 levels were all in optimal ranges. I feel AWESOME and have a renewed ability to train hard, while more stringently balancing my other responsibilities. Even better, I feel like I’ve regained a sense of “stress flexibility”. In other words, one long day of work or one night of suboptimal sleep doesn’t send me down a negative spiral anymore. In fact, I generally wake up after a short night of sleep and feel like I have the same energy levels the entire next day; I’m just aware of the fact that I’ll need to get some more sleep the next night. It’s been an educational journey, and I’m thrilled to have my energy/personality back. I’m eternally grateful to Dr. Cohen and the guidance he’s provided along the way!

There are two related points I want to make before wrapping this story up:

1) I can say with decent confidence that many doctors would read this and say something along the lines of “there is no conclusive research evidence that supplementation with vitamin D (or omega-3s, or amino acids, or just about anything else for that matter) positively impact performance, energy, etc.” There is certainly more research evidence that these things have a positive impact on specific health markers, but I think the “there isn’t sufficient research support” idea DRASTICALLY underestimates how integrated the body’s systems are and how providing better building blocks will have a significant and potentially unforeseen/unpredictable benefits on an individual’s health AND performance.

2) I’ve often wondered why certain people seem to break down emotionally so easily. I knew people in college that would completely freak out if they had two exams in the same week. Why do spouses snap because a dirty dish is left out or the trash wasn’t taken out? In certain cases, stress is mounting and a single event sets the individual off. That said, I think a lot of people live just beneath this stress threshold for a variety of reasons, and may not be aware that their response to any given stimulus is a little extreme. The multitude of factors causing to live at or just beneath this threshold are too extensive to fully outline in this article, but I believe some of the lesser known culprits are: exposure to electromagnetic frequencies, nutrient, chemical, and enzymatic deficiencies or imbalances related to dietary choices, heavy metal accumulation from dietary choices and water supplies, hormonal changes related to taking birth control, toxins leaching from plastics (think plastic wrap, tupperware, water bottles, etc.), and a variety of deleterious health consequences related to using microwaves. The take home here is that all of these things HEAVILY influence an individual’s personality, and, naturally, their ability to adapt to further stressors in their lives.

This story started as an illustration of the impact a more proactive and specific approach to owning one’s health had on me personally, but the implications are much larger. If you take a step back and look at our population as a whole, you’ll noticed that, on average, we aren’t very healthy. Roughly 75% of the US is overweight, most people’s diets are dreadful, and few people are even MINIMALLY active. You pair this with a dangerously irresponsible agricultural system and a REACTIVE “medicate symptoms” based health care model, and it’s fair to conclude that we’re headed down a scary and extremely expensive path. In my opinion, it’s time for people to start taking their health into their own hands, and, just as you would your car, get regular in-depth check-ups on various health and nutrient markers. Don’t strive for “normal” (normal values are adjusted regularly based on what the average person portrays coming into a clinic/hospital; in other words, as our populations becomes increasingly deficient in some areas or excessive in others, the norms change to accommodate!); strive for optimal. Optimal health is the foundation upon which optimal performance is built. If you’re serious about pursuing changes in your health, energy levels, body composition, or performance, start by ensuring your body is in an optimal state to do so.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Optimal health + a specific hockey training system = Maximum Performance.

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

I haven’t spent as much time reading others’ websites as I typically do over the last 6 months as I’ve been chin-deep in massage school, a few good books, and working on a couple projects for Endeavor. That said, I’ve come across several awesome articles that I wanted to share with you that cover a range of topics from hockey training to parenting to manual therapy to soccer preparation (these articles have direct applications to hockey players too!). Most of these won’t take very long to read, so don’t be overwhelmed by the number of articles here. Lots of good stuff so grab a seat somewhere comfortable and dig in!

This will do.

  1. Shoulder Injuries in Hockey Players from David Lasnier
  2. Those Who Have Influenced Me from Sean Skahan
  3. Some Thoughts on Training the Lactate System from Patrick Ward (Read the comments section too!)
  4. My 13 Simple Rules for Hockey Parents Everywhere from John Buccigross
  5. Parenting Advice from a Former NFL Head Coach via Mike Boyle
  6. Lessons from Inside Out Coaching: The 20 Year Window from Mike Boyle
  7. Every Hockey Parent Should Read This via Mike Boyle
  8. Not Everyone Gets A Trophy from Anthony Donskov
  9. A Note to the High School Athlete, From: Your Strength Coach from Anthony Donskov
  10. Sprinting and Hockey Players from Jeff Cubos
  11. Discussing dynamic ligament stabilization, performance of orthopaedic tests, and proper palpation technique for osseous articulations from Andreo Spina
  12. Paradigm Shift: On changing the manual therapy zeitgeist from Andreo Spina
  13. McKenzie Method vs. SFMA from Charlie Weingroff
  14. An interview with Philadelphia Flyers trainer Jim McCrossin from Broad Street Hockey
  15. The Prevalence of Hip Abnormalities in Soccer Players from Matt Siniscalchi
  16. Basic Soccer Strength Program from Matt Siniscalchi
  17. Core Stability for Soccer Athletes from Matt Siniscalchi
  18. Fatigued? How to Modify Your Training Program To Keep Progressing from Matt Siniscalchi

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

As has been the theme this Summer, the last several weeks have been exceptionally busy. I was in Blaine, MN for 10 days with the US Women’s National Team, which was an awesome experience. Anthony Donskov and Sarah Cahill were out there with me, both of which are awesome coaches that I always learn a lot from. The three of us have become affectionately known as “The Unit”. While I was out there, Sarah and I had an opportunity to meet and talk shop with Mike T Nelson and Cal Dietz (separately), which was great. I binge read Cal’s 350+ page book over the weekend so I’ll share some of the things I learned in the near future.

The Unit Locker

As a quick aside, last night I confirmed that I’ll be speaking at the USA Hockey Level 4 Clinic in New Jersey in a couple weeks. Let me know if you’ll be there!

Last night I also worked with David Lasnier to test the U-18 team we work with. It was interesting to see how all of their hard work paid off over the Summer. The team tested exceptionally well, but some of the highlights included the goalie knocking out 17 chin-ups (perfect form; team average was over 10), and one of the players doing DB Reverse Lunges w/ 90lb dumbbells for 20 on each leg, at which point I stopped him. Unfortunately, 90s were the heaviest dumbbells we had at the rink so that was where the majority of the team rep-tested (intended to do a 5-RM). Overall I was really impressed, and am looking forward to how the two U-16 teams do over the next couple of weeks and how everyone does with the few on-ice tests we’ll be doing soon.

Rotational Power Training

I’ve written in the past about the role that off-ice rotational power development plays in improving shooting power and other aspects of hockey performance. Today I just wanted to post a video of one of my favorite exercises: Side Standing Rotational Med Ball Shotput with Rapid Cross-Under and Partner Pass

There’s a lot to take in with this, but the idea is that it:

  1. Integrates a dynamic start and change in foot position
  2. Drives rotational power from the ground-up, very similar to the strategy most commonly used on the ice
  3. Utilizes rotational hip torque to generate power
  4. Integrates a rapid adjustment in eye position, both to track the ball into the hands, and to turn to pick a spot on the wall to throw the ball at (we coach our players to pick a spot and throw the ball through that spot…quickly) which happens constantly on the ice

Tough day to be the wall
This is a great exercise for a lot of reasons, but it’s also relatively simple to teach. I get questions a lot from people running youth off-ice programs that don’t have a lot of equipment or time; I think this is a good fit for those situations (starting without the foot movement and without the partner toss). That said, we wrap up our rotational med ball work at the end of the off-season and almost never come back to it until the end of the season because the players undergo so much rotational stress on the ice.

Aside from being a beast, I chose to gave Eric some press here to return the favor, as I found out early this week that my name ended up in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in an interview he did about his role with the Penguins next season.

Now he can tell his friends that he was featured at, which is basically the same thing (no?).

Give this exercise a try and please post any questions you have about how or when to do it below!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Get an inside look at how I design year-round comprehensive hockey training programs here: Ultimate Hockey Training

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

Back on track this week with a wrap-up of this week’s (and the three preceding week’s since I’ve been slacking) activity in the world of hockey strength and conditioning. Over the last several weeks, I’ve added several articles on topics ranging from strength and conditioning internships to specific hockey training techniques to maximize performance and minimize injury risk. Check out what you’ve been missing at the links below.

  1. Strength and Conditioning Internships
  2. The Myth of Wrist Strength in Hockey
  3. Managing Structural and Functional Asymmetries: Part 1
  4. Managing Structural and Functional Asymmetries: Part 2
  5. Improving Athletic Performance Beyond Peak Strength: Part 1
  6. Improving Athletic Performance Beyond Peak Strength: Part 2
  7. Off-Season Hockey Training Program
  8. Men’s Fitness: Hockey Training Feature
  9. What It Means To Be A “Boyle Guy”

We’ve also added a TON of great content over at Hockey Strength and Conditioning. I HIGHLY encourage you to read through all of these pieces as I think there is an awesome combination of quality information, great training programs, and unique exercises that will apply to players at multiple levels. We’ve also had a few terrific contributions from a few guys I hold in a very high regard in Anthony Donskov, Jim Snider, and Kyle Bangen. Check out the links below.


  1. Debit Card Strength and Conditioning: In-Season Account Withdrawls from Anthony Donskov
  2. Essential Components of a Strength Training Program from Darryl Nelson
  3. Pro’s vs. Joe’s from Jim Snider
  4. Triple Flexion Training Considerations in Hockey from Kyle Bangen


  1. Spring Training 4-Day Per Week from Darryl Nelson
  2. Summer 2012 GPP Phase 1 from Mike Potenza
  3. 2012 5-Day Off-Season Hockey Training Program: Phase 1 from me
  4. Off-Season 2012 Phase 2 Strength Training from Sean Skahan


  1. Side Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension from Sean Skahan
  2. 2 Arm DB Snatch from Darryl Nelson
  3. Phase 1 Sprinting Variations from me
  4. Hip Extension Holds from Mike Potenza

That’s a wrap for today. As always, if you aren’t a member yet, I encourage you to try out Hockey Strength and Conditioning for a week. It’ll only cost $1, and if it’s not the best buck you’ve ever spent, I’ll personally refund you!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!