If you missed the previous two articles in this series, check them out here:

  1. 25 Years, 25 Mistakes by Mike Boyle
  2. The Tao of Mike Boyle by Nate Green

Today’s article features an important topic that I’ve touched on in the past. The internet can be a valuable tool for pulling information, but you have to be careful about where the information is coming from! Check out the article and post your comments below.

Functional Strength Coach 4
Click here for more information on the release of Mike Boyle’s new Functional Strength Coach 4!

Assessing Credibility in the Internet Age by Mike Boyle
Functional Strength Coach 4

I wrote this over a year ago and have been a little hesitant to post it. A recent Strengthcoachblog.com post got me to sit down and finish this article. Tim Edgerton, a UK strength and conditioning coach, named me the most influential man is strength and conditioning the other day which was cool. However the rest of the list was at least half non-coaches. There were a bunch of academic NSCA types, a few internet marketers and a few coaches. As I said in my previous post, this made me think.

The “how to get rich on the internet” business is thriving in fitness and strength and conditioning. New products are launched every month. I’m sure many of you reading this are saying “ you have a paid website, you just did FSC 3.0, who are you to talk”? Legitimate questions. However, the fact is my website sells content. Good content, updated every week. I’m not simply picking up affiliate commissions for using my list to sell another program.

I’m actually a bit tired of internet marketing. It always seems to be similar guys selling similar products. The same resumes.

“__________ is one of the worlds most sought after experts in the field of strength and conditioning and ….”.

Next time you consider buying a product, ask yourself a few simple questions.

1- Is the seller actually one of the world’s most sought after experts in any area?

2- Does the seller make his or her living in the area in which they are selling a product or do they make their living selling the product? In Alwyn Cosgrove’s words “have they been there, done that and, are they still doing it?”

3- Has the seller ever made a consistent living actually coaching, training or helping people lose weight?

4- What does the seller do every day? Do they sit at a computer and write effective sales copy or do they work in the field?

5- Are they making money by telling you how to make money?

6- Did they ever make a substantial amount of money doing what they are selling?

7- Is their resume legitimate or have they inflated their qualifications and client list?

If you don’t know the answer, do a little searching and find out. You might be surprised at what you learn. I think there are a lot of Bernie Madoff’s in fitness. Look at the last name, Madoff. Like “made off” with your money? I may sound cynical but, I don’t want to bankroll some twenty five year old who just read Four Hour Workweek. Buying products is great. I have bought many and sold many. Just be sure when you buy that you are buying a product from a person who has done the work and succeeded.

– Mike Boyle
Functional Strength Coach 4

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. – Mike Boyle is releasing his new program, Functional Strength Coach 4 on Tuesday, April 24th. Functional Strength Coach 4 is Coach Boyle’s most up to date system cultivated from over 30 years of coaching everyone from general fitness clients to athletes ranging from junior high to All Stars in almost every major sport, that will guide you to better results with your athletes and clients. Click here to be the first to know about the all new Functional Strength Coach 4!

P.S.2. As always, I appreciate you forwarding this along to anyone you think will benefit from the info! You can use the social media dropdown menu at the top right hand corner to share it via Twitter and Facebook!

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