Yesterday, after digging my car out of over 2 feet of snow with a plastic dust pan and a hockey stick (what’s a shovel?), I put up a post introducing my new hockey training membership site.

Today I want to introduce some of the contributors to the site. I’m really excited about the combination of “brain power”, experience, and innovation that some of my colleagues are bringing to the site.

If you’re reading this at site, you know who I am, so I’ll spare you that. has a diverse list of hockey experts, including:

Maria Mountain: The Hockey Goalie Training Expert

Brian St. Pierre: The Hockey Nutrition and Supplementation Expert

Brijesh Patel: Quinnipiac University Ice Hockey Strength and Conditioning Coach

Kim McCullough: The Female Hockey Expert

Hockey Training Expert is also lucky to have BRILLIANT Strength and Conditioning Coaches Nick Tumminello and Eric Cressey as contributors. These two coaches are at the forefront of innovating training techniques to get athletes better results, and are directly responsible for many of the changes I’ve made in my training programs over the last few years.

Collectively, the Hockey Training Expert team brings over a hundred years of off- and on-ice training experience working with male and female hockey players of all ages and abilities to help YOU improve.

The list of contributors is growing on a weekly basis. As I mentioned yesterday, I have a few special people lined up to bring you more of the information you need to succeed in ice hockey, including:

-How to improve your skating

-How to skate faster

-How to shoot harder

-How to improve your puckhandling ability

-How to get noticed by scouts

Hockey Training Expert will give you all the information you need to drastically improve your game and fulfill your potential.

Stop dragging your feet. You need to TAKE ACTION!

Follow these steps:

1. Read all of the following steps
2. Go to Hockey Training Expert
3. Watch the video on the homepage
4. Go to the top of the page and click “Join Today!”
5. Create your account and select either a monthly or yearly subscription
6. Click the “Pay Pal” button at the bottom
7. Log back into the site and click the “Free Member Bonuses” Tab on the homepage
8. Download your 3 FREE Bonuses!
9. Enjoy the site!

I look forward to speaking with you on the forums!

-Kevin Neeld

P.S. I just wanted to remind you that the three bonuses below won’t be around for long. Take action now or you’ll lose your chance to get these bonuses FOREVER!

Bonus # 1: Breakaway Hockey Speed

Breakaway Hockey Speed

Discover the secrets to the number one question most players ask: How do I get faster? This 25-page manual from Hockey Training Expert founder Kevin Neeld outlines how to change your body position to maximize the power of your stride and reveals the truth about short choppy strides vs long powerful strides (this will surprise you!). Breakaway Hockey Speed includes 6 Linear Speed Drills, 15 Transitional Speed Drills, and the information you need to integrate a comprehensive speed training program into your current training program.  This manual is exactly what you need to become faster and more explosive on the ice!

Bonus # 2: Hockey Nutrition 101

Hockey Nutrition 101-2

Proper nutrition is the most commonly recognized, but least practiced aspect of high level athletic performance. Kim McCullough’s Hockey Nutrition 101 is an INCREDIBLE resource for hockey players and coaches. Kim brilliantly discusses how proper eating and hydration can have a huge impact on your performance, recovery, and overall development. Kim gives you all the tools you need to figure out what you should be eating/drinking, how to make simple changes in your current diet, and how to track your intake so you can monitor your new high-performance diet!

Bonus # 3: Mental Performance Package

Mental Performance Package-2

What percentage of your performance is mental? If you’re like most players, you’ll say anywhere from 50-90%. But how much of your training time is dedicated toward improving your mental performance? If you’re like most players, you’ll say anywhere from 0-0%. Kim McCullough’s Mental Performance Package gives you step-by-step instructions on how to develop the focus and confidence of a champion!

Click here to sign up now!

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There’s nothing more frustrating than spending countless hours working toward something, only to realize you haven’t made any progress.  Actually, there is one thing: spending countless hours working toward something, only to realize you’ve actually been progressing in the WRONG direction!  In the world of hockey training, crunches, sit-ups, and partner leg throw-downs predominate as the most utilized forms of core training.  Bad news for players that were actually hoping to improve their performance through training.

I could write a book on the reasons why these exercises are not only poor choices with regards to performance, but are actually dangerous!  In the interest of time, I’ll summarize all the arguments against these useless exercises by saying that at no point do you need to rapidly or strongly flex your trunk (think crunch motion) during the game of hockey, and performing these movements over and over reinforce the poor hunched over posture that we spend way too much time in already (sitting at a computer, driving, sitting in a classroom chair, etc.).

To understand how to best train the core, we need to define the core musculature and its function.  The core includes ALL of the muscles that attach to the hip.  This is an important point.  Only training the abdominals inevitably leads to muscular imbalances and leaves opportunities for improved performance untapped.  The core musculature includes the abdominals, glutes, hip flexors and rotators, all of which should be trained using functional patterns.

The two primary functions of the core are:

1) To create a stable base for extremity (arm and leg) movement
2) Create trunk stiffness for efficient force transfer between the lower and upper body

Both of these functions revolve around controlling pelvic/hip movement.

The core needs to be both stable and reactive, and should be trained in that order.

Despite the potentially confusing structure and function of the core, the training is pretty straight forward.  To establish a stable core, all hockey players should start with a basic core training circuit involving front planks, side planks, and glute bridges.  Once they can hold each position for 3 sets of 30s with perfect form, they should progress to 1-leg variations to add in a rotation component.

This is when things start to get fun.  There’s nothing stable about the game of hockey.  In truth, core stability in an unchallenged environment won’t do a whole lot for a hockey player on the ice.  The key is to train the core for reactive stability.  In other words, the core needs to maintain stability while being exposed to some challenging force.  On the ice, this force can from an external source, such as an opposing player, or internally, such as decelerating momentum from a shot.  The key to making a core stability exercise a reactive core stability exercise is to add in a perturbation.  In general, reactive core exercises involve one athlete trying to maintain a position, while another athlete provides slight challenges to this position in the form of taps or pushes.  These exercises are usually performed for time (working up to 30s).  A few examples would be:

Side Plank with Perturbation
Athlete sets up in a side plank position with his top hand reaching straight up.  Partner lightly taps the athlete’s hand, while the athlete resists any movement.

Hockey Stick Partner Perturbation
Athlete stands in an athletic position holding a hockey stick in front of himself.  The partner lightly taps the stick in all different directions while the athlete resists any movement.

Overhead Hockey Stick Partner Perturbation
Athlete stands in an athletic position holding a hockey stick straight overhead  The partner lightly taps the stick in all different directions while the athlete resists any movement.

The latter two exercises can all be performed from a half-kneeling (lunge position) or tall-kneeling position (kneeling on both knees and getting as tall as possible).  To increase the challenge even further, the athlete performing the exercise can close his eyes.  This really challenges the body’s sensory system.

The next progression is into explosive medicine ball throws, to really train the core force transfer function.  Before you transition from resisting movement to creating it, you need to know which areas to move from to maximize force transfer and minimize injury risk.  As a general statement, you want to move at the hips and thoracic spine (think moving through your chest area), and minimize ALL movement around the lumbar spine (or low back).  This is true for both linear movements (bending forward, backward or side to side), and rotational movements.  Once you understand where to move, you’re ready to progress to throwing around some medicine balls.  My favorite two medicine ball exercises are:

Overhead Floor Slams
Hold a medicine ball directly over your head.  Then slam it straight down into the ground in front of your feet as hard as possible.  Catch it on the rebound, rapidly return it to the overhead position, then slam it again…and again…and again.

Side Standing Shot Put
Stand facing perpendicular to the wall.  Load the ball in front of your back shoulder with your back elbow raised even with the ball.  Drive off your back leg and throw the ball as hard as you can using a punching motion.  Catch the ball on the rebound, rapidly return to the start position and throw it again.  Switch sides and repeat.

Most medicine ball exercises are best performed between 8 and 12 reps.  Any more than that and the movements lose their power.

The final core training progression is to incorporate reactive stability into explosive medicine ball throws.  The way to do this is to perform a couple explosive throws, catch the ball and freeze in a position while a partner provides a perturbation.  For example, if you were performing the overhead floor slam, you would perform 2-3 reps, then catch the ball and hold it overhead while a partner lightly tapped the ball for 5-10s while you resisted all movement.  Then you’d perform 2-3 more slams, and repeat the overhead perturbation, cycling through this process 2-4 times.  This type of training will have the maximal carryover to on ice performance, as you’re alternating between explosive power and reactive stability.

For hockey players to get the most benefit from their core training, they should begin with basic core stability exercises before progressing to reactive stability exercises.  After spending some time working at these, players can advance to explosive medicine ball exercises and then to advanced exercises incorporating explosive movements with reactive stability holds.  Following this progression will help guarantee that off-ice core training leads to on-ice improvements in performance.

In part three we’ll jump into speed, agility and quickness training, as well as the best way to condition for hockey.  Stay tuned…

This article was originally published at

Kevin Neeld, BSc, MS, CSCS is the Director of Athletic Development at Endeavor Fitness in Sewell, NJ and the author of Hockey Training University’s “Off-Ice Performance Training Course,” a must-have resource for every hockey program.  Through the application of functional anatomy, biomechanics, and neural control, Kevin specializes in guiding hockey players to optimal health and performance. Kevin developed an incredible ice hockey training membership site packed full of training programs, exercise videos, and articles specific to hockey. For a FREE copy of “Strong Hockey Core Training”, one of the sessions from his course, go to his hockey training website.

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