In February, I had an opportunity to do a one-day presentation with Joel Jamieson at Dynamic Strength and Conditioning in Nashua, NH. Shortly after announcing I would be there, I got an influx of emails from people that wouldn’t be able to make it (weird that people wouldn’t want to travel to New Hampshire in the middle of Winter?), but were hoping my presentations would be recorded. I’m excited to announce that the 2-DVD set of the three presentations I gave are FINALLY here!

Optimizing Movement DVD Package

Click here for more information and to watch the trailer! >> Optimizing Movement

As I alluded to in my article “Groundbreaking Research on Hockey Hip Injuries” from a couple days ago (which also discusses how prevalent these issues are in other sports and populations), the athletic population that is entering our facilities these days are increasingly “sub-clinical”, presenting with a number of structural and functional limitations that will heavily influence their movement, athletic capacities, and ultimately their performance in sport. The assumptions that exercise technique standards should be the same for all athletes and that athletes are symmetrical in their joint structure and range of motion aren’t just misguided, they’re potentially very dangerous. As a result of these things, the sports performance coach or clinician that has a toolbox of specific assessments, a system of effective corrective approaches, and a keen eye for how specific limitations influence movement expression/exercise technique, will be able to design more individual-specific training programs and use more individual-specific coaching/teaching cues. Simply, this approach leads to better results, and helps develop high performing, extremely durable athletes, which is always the goal.

This is exactly why I put this presentation together, to outline my philosophy, assessment system, and corrective approach to training athletes. The DVDs are divided into three sections:

  1. Optimizing Movement: Creating a Foundational Platform for Peak Performance
  2. Integrating Assessments into Sports Performance Programs
  3. Managing Movement: Corrective Exercise and Program Adaptations

Optimizing Movement systematically addresses the whys and hows of assessing individual athlete needs and designing programs accordingly. The feedback from personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, and rehabilitation professionals alike has been outstanding so far. Click the link below for more information and to grab your copy today!

Click here for more information >> Optimizing Movement

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. No time for assessments? Optimizing Movement presents alternative approaches on how to individualize programs that can be used in ANY training situation! Click here to learn how >> Optimizing Movement

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The last couple weeks have been a whirlwind. Things have been steadily picking up at Endeavor as we get more soccer and baseball players coming, which has been a lot of fun. On top of that, I’ve also had three classes per week wrapping up massage school, and have done 5 clinics in the same time span. Oh…and Emily and I also moved from Philadelphia to New Jersey! Needless to say, juggling all of this has been a lot and I haven’t had as much time to write as I’d like.

We’ll get back on track in the next week or so here, but in the meantime, I have an exciting announcement that I wanted to share with you. On February 23rd, Joel Jamieson and I will be doing a one-day seminar at Dynamic Strength and Conditioning in Nashua, NH. My talks will largely revolve around the process of assessing and restoring optimal movement in an effort to create a platform for maximum performance development. The importance of assessment has really come to the forefront over the last several years, but it seems that a lot of people still have questions on how to implement it within their system without it necessarily eating up all their training time. I’ll also be discussing how we integrate PRI into our paradigm, which is a question I’ve been getting A LOT recently as more people dig into their information.

Dynamic Strength and Conditioning

Click here for more information >> Dynamic SC Winter Seminar

Joel will be dissecting the process to developing an effective conditioning program based on the needs of the sport and individual. Joel is the go-to guy when it comes to understanding the interplay of the various energy systems and how to manipulate/develop them for peak performance. I’ve learned a great deal from him over the last year or so and am looking forward to hearing him speak again in February.


Joel’s BioForce HRV is an awesome tool to help monitor your recovery and readiness to train/perform. If you haven’t looked into it yet, check out the review I did a few months back: BioForce Heart Rate Variability

Given that I’ll be speaking more on assessments, movement patterns and exercise technique, regional interdependence, and injury considerations, and Joel will be diving deep into energy system development, the day will provide a really unique opportunity to learn about two of the most importance and frequently misunderstood components of performance enhancement. Early registration ends January 18th, so check out the link below for more information and register soon if you’re interested in going. It should be a fun day; hopefully I’ll see some of you there!

Click here for more information >> Dynamic SC Winter Seminar

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

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