Today, we’ll wrap up the “Best of 2012” series with the Top Resources/Product Reviews of 2012. If you’ve missed any of the previous articles in this series, you can check them out at the links below:

  1. Top Hockey Training and Development Posts of 2012
  2. Top Performance Training and Injury Prevention Posts of 2012
  3. Top Hockey Nutrition Posts of 2012
  4. Top Hockey Training Videos of 2012

Without futher adieu…

  1. Body By Boyle Online from Michael Boyle and MBSC
  2. Functional Strength Coach 4 (Also see: Functional Strength Coach 4 Videos) from Michael Boyle
  3. BioForce HRV from Joel Jamieson
  4. Zeo Sleep Manager
  5. Strength in Motion DVDs from Patrick Ward, Joel Jamieson, and Charlie Weingroff
  6. Triphasic Training from Cal Dietz
  7. Elite Training Mentorship from Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Dave Schmitz and BJ Gaddour
  8. Exercises for the Landmine from Shawn Windle
  9. Slideboard Training for Hockey and Kettlebell Lifting for Hockey from Sean Skahan
  10. Earthing Products
  11. Bioletics

That’s a wrap for the “Best of 2012” series. Thanks again for your continued support!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

I hope you had a great week. This has been a really exciting week for me personally. If you follow me on Twitter and/or read this site regularly, you may have noticed that I frequently allude to the fact that there is a lot more to the concussion story than is being recognized. At the beginning of last week, I got the idea of putting together a presentation on the topic, which I had an opportunity to record a few days back. Other than my garbage mic making me sound like a pre-pubescent boy, it came out pretty well. Look for that early next week.

Yesterday I got an email from an old teammate of mine saying he was flipping through a Men’s Fitness while waiting for a haircut and saw a hockey training piece that I wrote. I didn’t even know it was printed! Pick up a copy of the April issue of Men’s Health (see pg 104).

Finally, early in the week I was asked to contribute to a chapter in the new Men’s Health Book of Abs. I’m sincerely humbled to have an opportunity to work on this project and am really looking forward to seeing the finished product. I’ll keep you in the loop as it nears completion.

Just as a final reminder, today is the LAST DAY to test run the Elite Training Mentorship for $1. As I’ve said over the last couple of weeks, to have an opportunity to learn from Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, BJ Gaddour, and Dave Schmitz for a buck is a no-brainer. Eric and Mike are two guys I’ve regularly looked to for great training information over the last 5 years. I still bounce ideas off Eric on a regular basis. I’m really happy these guys are doing this. Any way their information can reach more people is a positive in my book. Check out this link for more information: Elite Training Mentorship

On to this week’s hockey training updates…

If you haven’t already, check out these posts from the last two weeks:

  1. Athletic Development Things You Should Read
  2. Elite Training Mentorship
  3. Metabolic Training (Free Video!)
  4. Dissecting Muscle Function: Force Production
  5. Dissecting Muscle Function: Influence

We’ve been busy at Hockey Strength and Conditioning over the last two weeks.

To kick things off, I added our final youth program of the year. The focus of this program changes somewhat drastically toward more mobility and regeneration work in the interest of recovery. The goal is to taper and generally unload the body so that the kids can hit the playoffs full steam ahead. Now is not the time to push off the ice; it’s more a time to showcase the hard work the players have been putting in over the season.

Get the program here >> 2-Day In-Season Training Program: Phase 5

Darryl Nelson added a video of what I would classify as a low load high velocity power exercise. These types of exercises have a lot of carryover to different components of hockey, but I generally frame it within the context of shooting. High speed hip rotation and core transfer are two keys to shooting power.

Watch the video here >> Medicine Ball Baseball Pitcher

Anthony Donskov wrote a terrific piece on the state of youth hockey. This is a message that I don’t think can be shouted too frequently. Things are NOT okay in youth sports, and youth hockey has been one of the front-runners in leading the craziness. I’m proud of USA Hockey for stepping up and taking serious action to help right the ship with their new ADM model. Ultimately, though, it’s up to us-coaches, parents, educators, etc. to adopt what they’ve put forth. Anthony’s article is filled with a lot of simple facts about the odds of a youth player reaching the pro ranks, and has guidelines for 60-minute practice that maximize development and fun. This is a MUST READ!

Read the article here >> Adult Values + Child Activities = Burnout

Mike Potenza added a video with two interesting exercises. Both strike me as great ways to train and/or test (or “audit”) multi-segmental stability. I’m looking forward to playing around with these over the next couple weeks and potentially mixing them in to future programs.

Watch the video here >> Leaning Tower

Sean Skahan wrapped things up with an All-Star Break Program. This is a great program for those in youth hockey to look at, not to simply steal it and use it as is, but because the program is built around body weight exercises. The only pieces of equipment this player had was a foam roller and stability ball. In all of the years I’ve worked training youth teams, I’ve only had any appreciable equipment for this past season. It’s important that these players to learn how to move properly and to get a training effect, both of which can be accomplished with relatively basic body weight exercises if they’re programmed and coached well. Sean’s program is a good template for that.

Get the program here >> All-Star Break Program

Don’t forget to log-in and check out the forum as well. Check out these discussions:

  1. Flexibility Help
  2. Post Game Snack Variety
  3. NHL Concussions
  4. United States Anti-Doping Agency
  5. Hockey Skill Warm-Up Drills
  6. Planning and Periodization for Playoffs

That’s a wrap for today. As always, if you aren’t a member yet, I encourage you to try out Hockey Strength and Conditioning for a week. It’ll only cost $1, and if it’s not the best buck you’ve ever spent, I’ll personally refund you!

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. I have lots of great stuff coming your way next week, so make sure you check back. In the mean time, test drive the Elite Training Mentorship and let me know what you think!

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

In Part 1 of this “Dissecting Muscle Function” series, I outlined many of the characteristics of muscle that dictates its function. While this was far from a comprehensive look on muscle function, it does illustrate a few of the major concepts that dictate how we produce force, and how these components can be manipulated to improve performance. If you missed it, check it out here: Dissecting Muscle Function: Force Production

In Part 2, I want to demonstrate the vast influence that muscle can have on surrounding structures. Many of these concepts can be described within the paradigm of regional interdependence, which I touched on in a recent post.

Origins and Insertions vs. Attachments
When I first learned about muscle anatomy, it was very simple. Each muscle originated on one bone, inserted on another, and when movement was warranted, the origin stayed fix while the muscle moved the insertion. I’ve come to appreciate that this is a GROSSLY over-simplified view of functional anatomy. In reality, muscles don’t have “origins and insertions” as much as “attachments”. This distinction is important, as it implies that either end of the muscle segment is prone to stability or mobility. Certainly specific joints lend themselves more toward a specific end of that continuum, but there are countless examples of “origins” moving while “insertions” stay still, and excessive motion at joints thought to be stable is a common cause of injury. As a simple example, consider that the biceps bring the forearm to the shoulder in a typical curling movement, but bring the shoulder to the forearms in a chin-up movement. This is the same muscle and same movement (elbow flexion), but with a different point of stability in each exercise.

Functional Anatomy
Even in adopting a new appreciation for the appropriateness of using attachments in place of origins and insertions, there is still much more complexity to the muscular system’s influence on movement than is taught in traditional anatomy classes. Muscles almost always have influence in multiple planes, and express different movements depending on whether the movement is open- or closed-chain. For example, most people are familiar with the fact that the soleus, one of the calves, serves a primary role in plantar flexion (pushing up onto your toes). However, when the feet are fixed on the floor, as in a squatting/deadlifting pattern, the calcaneus is relatively fixed, and therefore the soleus will function to pull the tibia posteriorly. Although this is technically plantarflexion, this directly translates into knee extension, and in the presence of a stationary pelvis, hip extension. In this way, the soleus is a knee extensor in closed chain movement, and also influences the hip.

Soleus: Plantarflexor, knee extensor, hip extensor?

Similarly, muscles play a significant role in joint orientation. While this is somewhat implied by the understanding that muscles move bones, the totality of this relationship is frequently overlooked. For example, fibers of the pectoralis major extend from the sternum, horizontally across the ribs, and insert into the intertubercular groove of the humerus. When describing the function of the pec major, it’s role in glenohumeral flexion, horizontal adduction, and internal rotation is often emphasized. However, the force transmitted to the humerus to produce these motions is dually transmitted to the sternum. The pec major is a major influencer of sternal position (no pun intended), and therefore of the positioning of the opposing pec major. In this way, muscles can influence the positioning and consequent function of bones and muscles.

Note the strong connections of the pec major to the sternum

Interestingly, it is often (but not always) the muscle that is eccentrically loaded that people subjectively feel as tight. In the above example, this would mean that the short or excessively stiff pec major that biases the sternum in one direction may feel relatively normal, whereas the opposite pec major that is under increased tension because of the sternal orientation may feel tight. Stretching, in this case, is not desirable and could even be harmful, as the muscle is already in a lengthened state, and pushing through this could result in compensatory movement of other segments and/or lead to laxity of surrounding tissue.

Postural Restoration Institute
Fortunately, many of these orientations are fairly predictable via the Postural Restoration Institute methodology, which seeks to drive the body toward a more neutral orientation as a means of restoring reciprocal motion between the left and right halves and therefore of improving performance and decreasing injury risk.

I was able to dig up a picture from a couple years ago that I took as part of a new diet experiment. Check out the picture below and note any side-to-side differences. What do you see?

While some of these things can be difficult to pick up at first if you don’t have a well-trained eye, the fact that my skin is pale to the point of borderline translucency should help. You may notice that my hips are rotated to my right (note the difference in the position and prominence of my obliques), my upper torso is rotated back to the left (note how my right hand is positioned in front of my left hand, and how the left pec major appears to be rotated back and more stretched out), and I’m slightly side-bent to the right (note how my right hand is about an inch lower than my left). You can see that these asymmetries extend up to the orientation of my head (see how much more apparent my right ear is?).

This is a textbook illustration of what PRI would describe as a Left AIC, Right BC position, and, assuming no ligamentous laxity, I would expect to see a decrease in left hip adduction and extension, right glenohumeral internal rotation, and left glenohumeral flexion and horizontal abduction secondary to poor positioning. In other words, it’s not necessarily that short/stiff muscles are limiting the range of motion, it’s simply the position of the underlying skeleton that is positioning the muscles poorly to perform their role. This is evidenced by the fact that in most cases almost complete symmetry can be restored in less than a minute with any number of relatively simple exercises that use active muscle contraction and breathing to re-orient specific bones into a more neutral position. Simply, in one minute, almost full range of motion can be restored. Do you think a baseball pitcher could benefit from 15-20 more degrees of internal rotation on his throwing arm? Can you appreciate how a hockey players stride and crossover ability will be affected by improved hip extension and adduction on the left side?

Wrapping Up
Hopefully you see the importance of understanding the integrated nature of our musculoskeletal/connective tissue and neural systems, and the power in a system that addresses these systems collectively. Relating back to the introductory topic, a muscle’s function is largely dictated by its position, which can be heavily influenced by the role other muscles play in driving and responding to skeletal positioning. The ability to view the body as an integrated system is invaluable, and a failure to do so can have frustrating and even tragic consequences.

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Don’t forget, you have only have a few days left to get access to a TON of information to help make you stronger, faster, and get you in drastically better shape for only $1! Click here now >>  Elite Training Mentorship

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

It’s finally here. As you’ve heard me mention over the last week, Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, BJ Gaddour, and Dave Schmitz have been working on a HUGE project over the last year known as the “Elite Training Mentorship“.

If you missed my previous two posts, you can check them out here:

  1. Lower Body Assessment
  2. Metabolic Training

If you’re in the fitness industry at all (strength coach, personal trainer, sports rehab professional, or general fitness enthusiast), you owe it to yourself to check this out. Each of these guys have unique specialties ranging from maximum strength training to sport specific training to bootcamp training, and with the Elite Training Mentorship, they share their “secrets” with you!

If you’re on the fence, I have good news. Until Friday (3/9) at midnight, they’re offering a pretty amazing $1 1-month trial. Eric has already added three staff in-services, one webinar, two exercise tutorials, and two articles, IN ADDITION to all of the stuff that Mike, BJ, and Dave have added. $1 for a ton of great information. Seems like a no-brainer!

Check out this link for more information >> Elite Training Mentorship

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. I made a promise when I first started this site to keep you in the loop about resources that can help you achieve your goals. This is one. I hate sales pitches as much as anyone (probably more). If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. But for a $1, you’d be crazy not to at least check it out! Elite Training Mentorship

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!

The other day I mentioned that Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Dave Schmitz and BJ Gaddour have teamed up to create a special program known as the Elite Training Mentorship, where these guys pull back the curtain on how they deliver staff training, teach movements, design programs and get results for their
clients. The program strikes me as a unique opportunity to stand on the shoulders of giants, a no-brainer for anyone that trains people for a living (and for the fitness enthusiasts).

Hopefully you had an opportunity to watch the free lower body assessment video that Eric put together. Assessing the hip and lower body is an area that I feel pretty confident in. Eric does an outstanding job in this video demonstrating a comprehensive assessment protocol. Given the proportion of sports injuries that directly affect and/or were driven or influenced by the hips and lower body, the information Eric provides is incredibly powerful, both in terms of maximizing performance by removing barriers, and augmenting injury resistance.

They’ll be releasing their Elite Training Mentorship program next week, but in the mean time, they just released another video that I wanted to share with you:

Watch the video here >> Metabolic Training

In this video, BJ Gaddour teaches you how to become the go-to metabolic training expert in a bootcamp style training session. I had an opportunity to meet BJ at last year’s Perform Better Summit in Chicago; he’s a great guy. I think “bootcamps” are easy to do wrong. It comes back to the “any idiot with a whistle can make a group of people tired, but that doesn’t mean it’s good training” thought process. Bad bootcamps still sell well because people equate tired with effective. BJ does it right. Whether you’re interested in running bootcamps or simply want to learn more about metabolic training, this is a great video to check out!

Watch the video here >> Bootcamp Training

To your success,

Kevin Neeld

Please enter your first name and email below to sign up for my FREE Athletic Development and Hockey Training Newsletter!