Content was booming this week at Hockey Strength and Conditioning! Check out what you’ve missed:

Article: Neck Strengthening for Hockey from Sean Skahan
I really like Sean’s philosophy on how neck training can manifest in the form of exercises you may not suspect. In addition to the videos he includes, there is a lot of other great information in this article pertaining to concussions and the process of returning players to the ice. Great read.

Article: Producing Elite U.S. Players Starts at Bottom from John Buccigross
FINALLY! Someone with a huge audience (other than the team) discusses what true hockey development is all about. It’s been interesting to see how hockey has developed in the U.S. over the last 15 years. USA Hockey is taking a lot of great steps to improve their development model. The impression I get is that Canada, believe it or not, is starting to recognize that they’re headed down the wrong path and will start to make similar changes in the somewhat near future. File this under the “Must Read” category.

Article: The Disconnect of the Culture from Jim Reeves
Another brilliant article on the importance of developing athletes first, hockey players second if the goal is to pursue elite level competition. Interestingly, but not surprisingly, we had two stud goalies train with us this summer at Endeavor that were also very competitive baseball players. Baseball-characterized by short bursts of high velocity power generation and reactivity. Goaltending-characterized by short bursts of high velocity lateral movements and reactivity. Coincidence?

Article: From the Ground Up from Dan John
Dan John is a legend in strength and conditioning. I’m really looking forward to hearing his presentation(s) at the MBSC Winter Seminar this year. When in doubt, return to basics. This article serves as a reminder that a simple, well- and consistently executed program is better than a haphazardly performed complex program.

Program: In-Season Lifts: Core Movements, Strength Movements and Complexes from Mike Potenza
Mike put together a great exercise library, divided by movement pattern/emphasis, that he uses to train the Sharks in-season. Similar to Dan John’s article, this provides some insight into what you NEED to perform if you’re extremely limited on time, as most in-season players are.

As always, the forum had a few great discussions this week. I particularly liked Maria Mountain’s response to the “Career Guidance” thread so check that out the next time you sign in.

Click the link below for more information about Hockey Strength and Conditioning! I look forward to speaking with you on the inside!

To your continued success,

Kevin Neeld

P.S. Remember that today is your LAST CHANCE to get my Ultimate Hockey Development Coaching Program for free! Check out this post for details: Rapid Response Goalie Training

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