One of the questions I get the most is “What supplement should I take for…*INSERT TRAINING GOAL HERE*?” As a preface, and in the interest of full disclosure, I’m a supplement guy. I think the right supplements, if used properly, can have a profound impact on health and performance. In other words, they can help you achieve your training goals faster or to a greater extent, and often times can be used to help provide some extra fuel/resources for adaptation, which becomes increasingly necessary as your training volume increases. That said, I hate getting these questions for three major reasons:
“Hey, uhh, what’s the best way to put on muscle mass? I’ve tried EVERYTHING and I’ve only gained a pound.”
This guy needs a barbell and red meat diet, not nitric oxide supplements.
It’s for these reasons that I was so excited to grab a copy of’s new The Supplement-Goals Reference Guide a few months back. Sol Orwell, one of the creators, said to me when I first got it:
“I can promise you, it’s nothing you’ve ever seen before.”
And man was he right! The guide is basically the most comprehensive research analysis, ever, on every major supplement. The neat thing is that it’s also divided by training/health goals. In other words, if you wanted to read about beta-alanine for anaerobic conditioning, you could just open up the PDF and click the link for “Beta-Alanine” to see the proposed benefits and level of evidence for each benefit or you could click, for example, the link to Anaerobic Running Capacity and see which supplements help with that and how strong the evidence is for each. This is a neat way to break down the information because you may end up doing a search for a supplement for a specific health or performance goal and actually find out that there are a number of others that are actually better.
The most informative, honest, unbiased look at supplementation, ever.
In addition to being the most comprehensive conglomerate of supplement research ever, by far, one of the things I love the most about this resource is that it’s completely unbiased. doesn’t sell supplements; they aren’t marketing their own products. They’re not marketing any products really. The guide simply provides REAL evidence as to what works and what doesn’t, so YOU can then make informed choices about what to buy. It’s also incredibly simple to use as a reference anytime something new comes to the market, AND (maybe the best part), if you grab a copy now they’ll hook you up with LIFETIME updates for FREE! As more research is published and they update the resource, you’ll get an updated version for absolutely free. Can’t beat that deal! And from today at noon to Friday at midnight (EST), they’re running a special sale to celebrate surpassing the 5,000 sale mark and the addition of a medical doctor, pharmaceutical doctor, and two PhDs to their editorial team!
Tomorrow I’ll be back with a great article discussing the potential benefits (or lack thereof) of a supplement that almost EVERYONE that trains is familiar with or has taken!
To your success,
Kevin Neeld
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