This Week at Hockey Strength and Conditioning

Today is Emily’s 25th birthday. I know, she’s getting old. But we still have a few years before society forces us to buy white sneakers, move to Florida and start eating dinner at 4pm every night. Em, if this is one of the 3 times you read my site every year, Happy Birthday!

Partial nudity aside (he has boots on), let’s get into what’s been going on over at Hockey Strength and Conditioning.

A couple weeks ago at Endeavor, Karl Kurtz (one of our coaches) mentioned he was reading an article and came across a new exercise that may be worth playing with. I played around with it a bit and really like it. I wouldn’t necessarily describe it as a “staple” exercise, but it’s another one to have in your tool box and a great way to add variety for players that have a long training history. Plus, I’m a “new” exercise junkie and am always interested in testing new things and seeing what else is out there, especially when it involves equipment we already have Check out the video at the link below:

Check it out here >> Stiff-Legged Sled Drag

Endeavor’s own David Lasnier wrote an excellent article on supplement recommendations for hockey players. I work with David so I get to benefit from his infinite Canadian wisdom on a daily basis, but this was still a great read. He and I both agree that the overwhelming majority of supplements are crap, and that most companies are marketing-heavy and quality-limited…meaning they’re good at getting you to buy, but not good on delivering on their promises. His article describes the supplements that are actually worth looking into, both in terms of having research-documented benefits and in terms of being safe. I’m looking forward to more stuff from David in the future.

Check it out here >> Supplement Recommendations for Hockey Players

Sean Skahan (from the Anaheim Ducks for those of you that don’t know Sean) did another interview with our “behind the scenes guy” Anthony Renna about post-workout nutrition the training he’s doing with his guys at this point in the season. It’s always enlightening to hear Sean speak, especially about his situation with the Ducks. Pro hockey presents a lot of unique challenges and training at that level has a different emphasis and application than training at lower levels. Sean has done a great job with the Ducks and provides a lot of insight for young coaches like me in this interview.

Check it out here >> Audio Interview with Sean Skahan

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To your continued success,

Kevin Neeld

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