At the end of last week I got an email from Cal Dietz, the Strength and Conditioning Coach of the University of Minnesota Men’s and Women’s Ice Hockey Teams (among other sports), with several sample programs that fit within his “Triphasic Training” paradigm. I met Cal in person for the first time at the BSMPG seminar a couple years back. Aside from Cal being a great guy, I enjoy talking shop with him because he has a significantly different approach to how he tackles training program design for his athletes. I’ve learned a great deal from hearing him speak and from the conversations he and I have shared about some of his methods and the rationale for them.
Among other things, Cal taught me that it’s okay to eat raw red meat for breakfast (don’t try this at home)
When he fired over the email with a number of sample programs for an advanced level hockey player, I thought it would be a great idea to share these with you (with this permission of course). As a reminder, it’s generally not appropriate to take a program off the internet and start using it yourself without any context. Instead of taking it for face value and diving in, I’d encourage you to break down the program and see if you can infer Cal’s rationale for structuring things the way he did. In my opinion, once you understand another coach’s rationale and philosophy, it’s infinitely easier to understand how their methods fit into your paradigm appropriately.
Programming for an Advanced Hockey Athlete, 6 week Triphasic Training protocol
All Names Underlined in Blue are hyperlinked in to PDF the names on PDF’s are hyperlinked to video’s.
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In Block one of training The focus is Eccentric strength/withstanding force and Tissue remodeling with the heavy loaded eccentric training for two weeks to cause actin and myosin damage so the immune system cleans it out and then it gets rebuilt stronger.
Block 1 – 2 Weeks Possible Leg Programs
The leg training for the first two weeks, Block 1 Eccentric Above 80 Triphasic Training Back Squat is those athletes whose spine and physical fitness levels are acceptable to perform squatting 3 days a week. 95 percent of my athletes fall into this category. the second possible program during this Block is for this athletes that can’t due Spinal loading for any reason, Block 1 Eccentric Above 80 Triphasic Training Single Leg Strength. The third, possible is a little load single leg work, non of my athlete completed this because of the focus of remolding. Block 1 Eccentric below 80 Triphasic Training Single Legs Speed
Block 1 Eccentric above 80 percent, the eccentric focus, is a very intense nature,
Block 1 Eccentric Above 80 Triphasic Training Back Squat
The heavy Squats with 6 second eccentrics have to help
Block 1 Eccentric Above 80 Triphasic Training Single Leg Strength
Block 1 Eccentric below 80 Triphasic Training Single Legs Speed
Block 1 Eccentric Above 80 Triphasic Training upper
Block 2 – 2 weeks
Block 2 Isometric Above 80 Back Squat
Block 2 Isometric Above 80 Single leg Squat
Block 2 Isometric Above 80 Upper Body
Block 3 – 2 Weeks
Block 3 concentric Above 80 Back Squat Heavy
Block 3 concentric Above 80 Single Leg Work
Block 3 concentric below 80 Single Leg Work
Block 3 concentric Above 80 upper body
Block 3 concentric below 80 upper body –
To your success,
Kevin Neeld
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